Faculty Focus

Faculty Focus: October 2018

认识一下生物老师/WYSE教练和游泳校友Amy Christophell.
What is your educational background?
AC: I have a B.S. 在伊利诺斯卫斯理大学获得生物学学士学位,辅修希腊和罗马研究. 我还拥有芝加哥洛约拉大学中学科学教育硕士学位.

What did you do prior to becoming a teacher at Fenwick?
AC: 在意识到教书是我真正的使命之前,我想成为一名兽医. So, while I was attending undergrad at Illinois Wesleyan University, I worked at a few different animal hospitals, vet clinics and kennels. 我和小动物兽医、大型动物兽医和外来动物兽医一起工作. 我也曾在伊利诺斯州布卢明顿的米勒公园动物园做过一段时间的志愿动物园管理员. 当我在动物园做志愿者时,最令人兴奋的工作是帮助训练和喂养海狮.

What are you currently reading for enjoyment?
AC: 我现在和儿子Avyn一起读几本书. He loves to look at the pictures in his Read and Learn Bible for kids, and he also enjoys having me read his favorite book, Noisy Dinosaurs, over and over again.

What interests do you pursue outside of the classroom?
AC: 在课堂之外,我的主要兴趣是与家人共度时光,以及与水有关的任何事情. I love the pool, swimming and water polo. Currently, I am enjoying teaching my son how to swim.

To what teams and/or clubs did you belong as a student?
AC: 作为esball世博的一名学生,我在学校的四年里都是校女子游泳队的一员. I was a distance swimmer, and my favorite high school event was the 500, which is 20 lengths of the pool. 我也是黑人修士公会和拉丁俱乐部的成员.

Which clubs/sports/activities do you run at Fenwick?
AC: 在我有儿子之前,我是女子游泳助理教练. I also was the girls’ water polo coordinator. 目前,我通过指导生物来帮助Dave Kleinhans和WYSE团队.

What quality/characteristic marks a Fenwick student?
AC: esball世博学生的主要品质是他们成功的决心, their respect for and service to others, their loyalty to the school, and their value of education.

AC: 当我在密苏里大学兽医学院就读时,我决定成为一名教师. During my first semester of vet school, even though I was successful in my classes, 我意识到我对成为一名兽医没有热情. After much contemplation, 我意识到,当我在伊利诺伊卫斯理大学担任有机化学和生态学助教时,我感到最充实. 我喜欢用一种不同于教授的方式来解释一个概念,从而帮助一个有困难的学生理解它. 当你看到一个学生在苦苦挣扎了这么长时间后终于掌握了一个概念,那一刻是一种非常有益的经历.

AC: 我认为我在课堂上最大的个人优势是我有能力营造一个有利于学习的环境. 通过我的幽默感和与学生相处的能力, 我能让他们在课堂上放松,这样他们就愿意随时参与课堂活动. Even if they they are unsure of an answer to a question, 我发现学生们在课堂上仍然可以很自在地回答问题. 他们不怕犯错误或回答错误. 他们发现错误的答案是学习过程的一部分.

What is your philosophy of education?
AC: 我的生物教育理念强调使用实践活动和探究式实验室活动的重要性. 我认为学生学习科学的最好方法是让他们亲身体验科学概念. 生物学和其他科学概念在我们周围支配着世界运行的大部分方式, 我在课堂上的目标之一就是让学生理解这个概念. 他们还需要对所学的内容感到兴奋和投入,以便与材料建立深刻的联系,从而可能导致对该主题产生新的热情. 帮助学生促进他们对科学的兴趣的最好方法是引导他们提出真正吸引他们的问题.

What is the greatest success you have had in teaching?
AC: 作为一名老师,我最大的成功是当我在大一或大二的学生在大四的时候回来找我写推荐信,因为他们对在大学学习生物或医学感兴趣. 当他们告诉我,我的课点燃了他们追求科学事业的热情, this brings me the greatest joy as an educator.

AC: 我觉得学生们能感受到老师对这门学科的热情. When I am excited about the materials included in the lessons, the students pick up on it and, in turn, 变得有动力去理解为什么我被材料所激励.
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